


At Frankel Veterinary Centre, we are using a highly advanced digital radiography machine made especially for veterinary use. This radiography system runs on a network to facilitate easy viewing by clients in each consultation room as well as sharing highly detailed images with external referral centers


Diagnostic ultrasound scanning and echocardiograms can be performed at our practice. Every pet is placed on a positioning cushion enabling the pet to be scanned in a stress free and comfortable environment.  This is a pain free imaging system which uses high frequency sounds waves to look at structures inside the body.

Endoscopy (Rigid and Flexible)

Endoscopy is a diagnostic tool which allows visual examination, exploration and biopsy of internal organs without invasive exploratory surgery.

Endoscopic procedures enable better diagnosis for patient and it involves minimal pain and discomfort and allow fast recovery. Rhinoscopy, gastroscopy, cystoscopy are a few examples of such procedure that we can perform.

Video Otoscopy 

For more chronic ear infection, video otoscopy can be performed to examine the internal ear structures. Ear flushing and biopsy can also be carried out with the aid of video otoscopy.


At Frankel, we are able to perform various in house testing such as urinalysis, biochemistry and hematology blood tests etc, to shorten the diagnosis duration. In addition, we also offer various comprehensive health packages for your pets as preventive care.

Other diagnostic procedures performed:

  • Antibody Blood Testing
  • Blood Pressure Doppler
  • Barium Contrast Studies
  • Comprehensive Blood Tests
  • ECG
  • Various IDEXX Laboratory Tests
  • Fecal test
  • Urinalysis
  • Parvo / Distemper Tests
  • Tonometry
  • FIV/ FELV Tests
  • Tick parasites/  Heartworm tests
Need further help?

For any enquiries, please contact us at 6876 1212.

For After Hour Emergencies: 8125 9599